Art project against violence against women
We started a project to keep violence against women on the agenda, to raise public awareness about violence against women, to support solidarity among women, and to mediate the expression of women’s reactions to violence through art.
When a reaction is like violence, it can be expressed through an art medium. This is the characteristic of art that intensifies emotions and strengthens words. With this project, we support the use of art as a means of self-expression for women by conducting art workshops with women to bring violence against women to the agenda.
We cooperate with municipalities to organize painting workshops in appropriate units and areas of municipalities. To date, we have held workshops in Avcılar Municipality, Esenyurt Municipality, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sulukule Neighborhood House, Adana Seyhan Municipality, Hatay Defne Municipality and Antakya Municipality. These workshops are led by Painter and Sculptor Meryem Tomak.
Women of different ages from different social groups participate in the workshops. Thus, we support the depiction of violence against women in the lives of all women. Thanks to these workshops, a suitable external environment is created where women can express their feelings about violence and include their own solution options in their work.